If you’re looking for an unbiased blend of practical and immediately-applicable Visual Studio training, look no further than VSLive! Interact one-on-one with the Microsoft development…
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I was lately on Google developer day which is really great. The only disadvantage was that it’s not possible to be on all presentations, luckily…
Leave a CommentWhen you restart the virtual machine you will see vmware splash screen. Hit F2 right away to get into the VM’s BIOS settings. It can show only for really short time.
After that you will be in vmware BIOS. Use the right arrow key three times to move over to the “BOOT” menu selection. Use the UP/DOWN arrow key and the +/- keys to toggle the boot order such that “Removable Devices” is the very first (top) in the boot order. Removable Devices includes Legacy Floppy Drives.
Hit F10 to save and exit